Monday, August 23, 2010

Talking about Elly221

Ello chaps.
This is Elly221, one of the authors, and no, I am not british, although it would be fun to go there someday. But not as fun as going to Hollywood or New York.
So! Let's talk about me (yay! one of my favorite supjects!).
I just turned 13 almost a month ago, so I am officially a teen. You know how Teenville is a game for "Kids....and teens?" Well now I'm the "and Teens" part!
HOOOORAY!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also like Club Penguin, although I don't get on as much as I used to. I sort of wish I'd started blogging when I was 11, because that was THE YEAR OF CLUB PENGUIN. Sort of.
See, when I was 11, I was obsessed with Club Penguin. I would get on a TON, always know what was coming up, never missed a single party or release date, and loved to talk about it. Sounds perfect for blogging, no? Unfortunetaly, by the time I had discovered blogging, my club penguin steam had run out. Now I usually don't know what's coming up until I see it on someone else's blog, I don't get on club penguin much, I MISSED THE MOUNTAIN EXPEDITION BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT IT, and I got so far behind on my club penguin blogging that I finally just put my site under constuction so I wouldn't have to feel guilty about being behind.

NOW onto a happier note, here's how I found xat, and here's how I found teenville:

How I found xat: Rockhopper was in, and I'd never met him before so I was looking for a tracker, since I could never find him on my own. That's when I found It was where I met some of my best friend online- Kit Kat, Someone who does not want to be named, and more people. It's like my home chat.
The problem was, there was a lot of innappropriate people on that chat, and I was SHOCKED (absolutely shocked) at how many people swore. (including kit kat, but she's gotten better).
I wasn't a mod back then, and I was mad at how all the moderators would ignore the swearing people and sometimes even swear themselves! I would usually just leave when it got bad.
By the time I finally became a mod on there, I had already found teenville, and I was on there one day, no longer obsessed about becoming a mod, when suddenly the owner came on and made me one.
Well.......happy day. Unfortunetaly, by that time I wasn't so completely obsessed with how TERRIBLE all the swearing was, so that's not neccessarily a good thing. Don't worry though- I always ban people on there when they swear (although that get's sort of tough, because some of those people are my friends, and you don't want to ban your friend, ya know? But I had to).

How I found teenville: Ummmmmm I don't actually remember. I do know that Club Penguin Rally (coolboy714's site) was one of the first club penguin sites I found, and one of my favorites. (when I first met coolboy I was like "OMG! IT'S YOU!!!!!!) From there I found Dyl89 and Duncan70's site, and sort of became friends with Duncan.
I don't really remember how (maybe it was twitter) but at some point I found the teenville chat, and was eventually made a member on there.
I stayed a member for a long time until I became a mod. Then there was some drama-but I'm not going to talk about that.
Then I was a cop for a bit, until all the cops were made mods.
The fact that some teens made a virtual world still boggles my mind. I was like yelling "OH MY GOSH!!!!!!" the first time I went on.

Ugh, how long can a post go on? I've got many other posts to talk about myself. Farewell!!!


Dylan said...


Teenville Forum
