Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hey Teens,

It snowed today! It hasn't snowed here AT ALL since Thanksgiving, which was around two months ago. Yeah, I know, that's a disappointment, but at least it actually snowed!

Today, a friend came over and we played in the snow, and on the Wii. It was really fun... so, I'm going to stop talking now. Really short post, I know, but next week's will be longer! :P


Teen Of The Week?

"hear ye hear ye" it is i Nickname and i think we should start a Teen Of The Week
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


hey im back to the writers anywho the TEENVILLE XMAS PARTY IS HERE SO CHECK IT OUT WOOP WOOP!
Monday, January 3, 2011


So yeah. How's life guys? I've been making a lot of club penguins videos, writing, and chatting. I'm writing a story..... a novel actually. Yeahhhhh.

Ahhh I don't know what to write! New Years was fun.

I watched the movie "You've got mail," with my parents (until my mom had to go somewhere at 10, so it was just dad and me) ate spice cookies, and texted my friend. At eleven my dad let me get back online, where I chatted with my friends and tweeted like crazy.

We live in the country, so we don't have cable, but my dad had borrowed a converter (Whatever THAT is) from our neighbors, so we got to watch the balldrop. It was fun.

My dad made me go to bed at about 1:20 AM, and my mom came home soon afterwards.

So yeah.

For more going on in my life, visit

Not A Lot Of Posting

Wow, its been a long time since I last posted.

I'm going to try and get this blog back up and going, so that everyone that views this blog can enjoy coming here every single day.

Anyway, for Christmas I got an iPod Touch and a couple of other things. What about you?

Teenville Forum
